
Laboratories are spacious and have area as per the standard requirement of Indian Nursing Council. There are Advanced Nursing Skill Laboratory, Nutrition Laboratory, Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory, Pre – Clinical Laboratory, Community Health Nursing Laboratory, Maternal and Child Health Nursing Laboratory. Labs are equipped with a simulated hospital set-up with dummies, models, charts, and related equipment to facilitate the practice of basic and advanced procedures.


Physical education section


The college has spacious Central Library with Books more than 3000 , latest National and international Journals and Periodicals etc. It has separate reference section for both students and faculties. Internet facilities is also being provided in reference sections.

Computer Lab

A computer lab has been set up for providing updated knowledge to the students with internet and e-library facilities. It provides the students ample opportunities for learning the system and practice..

Safe Transport

E-shan public school assurance of convenience, efficient, safe and reliable commuting provision for a child is essential for parent’s peace of mind. We have our own fleet of more than ten vehicles for providing comfortable transport to our children and teachers. We make effort to provide a teacher on every vehicles. Our drivers &conductors are trained to be sensitive to the need of the children & parents.